Tuesday, April 12, 2011

15 months later...

Fifteen eventful months have passed since my last post. A lot has changed since then. I was a clueless lunatic who had no idea where his life was going. Being jobless after completing my engineering and preparing for something I was not ready for (read civil services), I kept hoping for something to happen which could show me the way. Then, it so happened that I, somehow, got a decent rank in GATE-2010. Yes, the same GATE which is taken by all the unemployed engineers and which provides them with another opportunity to fulfill their dream of joining the best institutes of technology in India, the IITs. Though, nowadays, it has also become a gateway to enter some renowned government companies like IOCL and BARC. I too was called for and later kicked out (again!!) of the IOCL interview. But an altogether different career plan had started to gestate in me by then. I began toying with the idea of going for higher studies in the field of chemical engineering (some call it kam akal engineering but it's not true). When I came to think of it, teaching seemed to be the most suitable career for me. During my graduation if at all there was something I learned, it was what a teacher should not be like. Therefore I decided to join M. Tech. in Chemical Engineering at IIT, Delhi.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Who am I?? Definitely not spiderman..

Finally, after trying for so many years I have become a writer too. And the best part is I can write whatever I want, in whatever language I wish and about whatever subject I like without having to worry about what others have to say. But that doesn't mean that you cannot post your comments on my views. You are more than welcome to exercise your right to freedom of expression but just don't expect me to change my views.
As the topic of my first post I would like to illuminate you of my existence.Yes, I do exist even if you haven't noticed yet. But that's not your fault. I am hard to notice anyway.Right from my childhood I have been invisible to the outer world. I certainly don't think that any of my teachers, or even childhood friends for that matter, would remember me today.But, still, I have had some great friends who still remain close to my heart even if I have lost contact with them (totally my fault, I accept). Academically, I have been just an average student, a little above average if I can dare say so. There has been nothing exceptional about me and that has been the misery of my life.
Generally speaking, there are 3 kinds of people- brilliant, not-so-brilliant and the average. The brilliant people are those who know where they want to go. Not-so-brilliant people are those who know where they can go. And the third kind, people like me, are those who have no idea where they should go. They have the talent at par with that of the brilliant people but an industry worse than that of not-so-brilliant people. These people always find themselves standing on crossroads.
As I said earlier, I have been an average student. It took me 2 years after class 12 to clear the IIT-JEE and that too with a rank in excess of 3 thousand which resulted in my joining IT-BHU(which surely deserves but sadly, still lacks an I :-( ). I considered not being able to join the IITs as the first of my many subsequent major failures. But, in retrospect, I think it wouldn't have made any difference in my life had I joined those hallowed institutes. In fact, it would have affected their reputation of producing some of the great minds of the country.
Anyway, I have successfully completed my tenure at IT-BHU that too in 4 years flat(what an act of bravery!!). And the question now is what to do next. A few years back I was equally attracted towards MBA, GRE, Civil Services or simply a job in a software or a process industry. Since then I have found that business people have already a lot of problems without having to worry about me and research work in the world is going great without me.Also, I couldn't get a decent offer from the process industry and rejected an offer from a software company. Therefore I have decided to try the only thing left on the list. Lets see what happens.
Well, I think there has been enough 'me-bashing-myself'. So let me tell you what I like to do when I am not so angry with myself. I love cricket...alot. It is one of the few things which provide immense satisfaction and joy in my life. And I have no qualms in declaring that I like the South African cricket team more than the men in blue. A certain JHK remains my all time favourite though no one can ever take the place of Mr. SRT. I feel myself to be fortunate, rather privileged, to have watched that epic one-dayer between South Africa and Australia live..... on TV off course. I just hope that there would be a day in my lifetime when a South African captain would lift that ever elusive trophy of the World Cup.
Apart from cricket, I am also a huuuuuuuuge fan of a certain boy wizard HJP (you think its childish?????No sir, you are utterly mistaken). I used to think what I will do once the seventh part was over. Well, life has never been the same but reading and re-reading the books and watching and re-watching the movies has helped a lot. The movie no. 7 & 8 are yet to come so there is something still left to look forward to. While the books have been a class-apart the movies too have been not as bad as declared by some.
The next thing that I am crazy about is the CIA killing machine. Bond has become old, the new name is Bourne, Jason Bourne. That triology changed my perspective of action flicks.Even though the movies are completely different from the novels they have wonderfully managed to maintain the same intensity of the protagonist created by Robert Ludlum-a man haunted by his past even if he doesn't know what it is that disturbs him. The scenes at the Waterloo station, the chase in Tangiers and the car chase in Russia and finally breaking into the CIA head-office have all been mind-blasting. It has made other action films look like comedies.
And now, assuming that you are still reading this post and haven't dozed off or died, let me tell you about my (one-sided) love-life. I have had the (mis?)fortune of having experienced the first-love atleast four times.First time it happened when I was 10, the second when I was 18, third when I was 22 and the last one is the most recent which is still going on though I am pretty confident that I will be left heart-broken once again. I have always been a slave of beauty with brains and just a simple smile from their side is enough to make me fall in love with them. I know it doesn't work that way but I have never been able to understand what love is. More on this subject will come later on. I think I have tortured you enough for one day.The rest of the posts will surely not be this long as I will not be writing about myself again. Hope you come back again someday. Till then ...have a great life..bbye